DO NOT JOIN us if :
The Modern Witchcraft Method by Celebrity Witch Club is NOT for You If...
You are under 21 years old unless you are wise beyond your years and can prove it factually (i.e., an up-and-coming influencer or a business owner, or maybe you have an extraordinary talent like maybe you can speak with souls, see things that others don't etc ). This is because you would have real-life experience, most likely street smarts, critical thinking, and understand the reality of this world. Our main age group is 25+ , ambitious women and some men.
This witch and manifesting school is not for you if you believe in paying random people to do the work for you. Keep reading , this is for your own benefit. You do that and then you go to Reddit and cry that you had your money stolen. If you can’t be bothered to take responsibility for your own life, progress, and happiness and would rather pay a stranger to fix your problems—good luck. You will learn one day, like we all did, and will come back here. If you are so lazy that you would rather pay hundreds or thousands for one spell to be done for you and not get any results instead of spending $60 here to learn EVERYTHING yourself and depend on nobody... good luck again.
If you are extremely arrogant and entitled, please don’t bother us. We have A-list celebs, major YouTubers, and super influencers in this club, who could be entitled as they have millions of fans (which can make one believe in their grandiosity), and women who swim in money , yet they are super nice. I swear the only people who talk bad about this club , are those I didn’t accept into the school because of their attitude, or whose membership I canceled and refunded against their wish. Sorry not sorry, you can offer me 100.000 k to teach you, not interested , good bye.
Those who are brainwashed by social media or the idea of “witchcraft is about selling souls, karma, Satan,” etc. I AM SICK OF IT. Do not bother coming here until you educate yourself specifically about the basic manifesting laws, how energy works, and the power of the mind. THEN come back. What we do in this witch school has nothing to do with all the creepy shit you read about. We don’t NEED to be doing those things. We know how to manifest crazy opportunities, love, beauty, etc., without it. That’s why we call it a modern witchcraft method. Oh, what, do you think Kendall Jenner sits there and does black magic spells in her living room? Get real. This is 2024. Real witches don’t walk around looking like creeps off horror movies sacrificing animals, lmao. Modern witches are hot, rich, and magnetic. If you have anything against that, you do you.
If you’re going to be sending me messages like “MAKE ALL MY DREAMS COME TRUE!!!” WELL, again, my job is to give you tools that will help you to make YOUR dreams come true. Take your time, study, learn, start small, and progress just like other members do. The most successful club members started exactly like that.